How Effectively Are You Using Development Data? Take Our Benchmarking Survey
April 25, 2005
Changes in the way pharmaceuticals are developed have been catalyzed by economic pressures, increasingly complex drugs and sophisticated drug products. Both the industry and the regulatory bodies have identified a pervasive need to transform large amounts of data into knowledge in support of decisions during development. In some cases, business or information systems cannot transfer information effectively. In others, IT platforms cannot handle the amount of data generated throughout development, or allow users to receive and act on that information efficiently.Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, in conjunction with Conformia and Purdue University Professor Ken Morris, have developed a survey to address knowledge management and the use of drug development data by the pharmaceutical industry. Click here to take the survey, and to tell us if you wish to receive information comparing your results with industry benchmarks.Dr. Morris and Conformia Operations Consultant Sam Venugopal will interpret the results in our November/December 2005 issue. If you have any questions, please contact Venugopal at
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