AstraZeneca employees detained in China

Sept. 6, 2024

Chinese authorities have detained five current and former AstraZeneca employees as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged illegal activities, as reported by Bloomberg.

The employees, all Chinese citizens, worked in the company's oncology division, focusing on marketing cancer treatments. The detentions, which happened earlier this summer, are being led by police in Shenzhen, according to Bloomberg sources.

The investigation is looking into two main areas; the possible misuse of patient data that may have breached China’s strict data privacy laws and the suspected involvement of these employees in importing an unapproved liver cancer drug into mainland China. AstraZeneca has confirmed to Bloomberg that a small number of their employees are under investigation but has not shared any further details. Local authorities have yet to comment on the matter.

AstraZeneca has a strong presence in China since 1993. This latest probe adds to previous scrutiny AstraZeneca faced in 2022 when it was accused of tampering with gene-testing results to make treatments eligible for government health insurance.

The case underlines the growing risks that multinational companies face in China as the government tightens regulations, especially around data security and drug imports. Just a few weeks ago, a Japanese executive from Astellas Pharma was indicted in China on espionage charges after being detained since March 2023, according to media reports.

The individual, whose name has not been disclosed, was arrested in Beijing after years of working in China. His case has raised concerns among Japanese companies operating in China, especially after the country tightened its anti-spying laws last year.