1661889982167 Nordsongroundbreaking

Nordson Corp. Expands to Meet Growing Demand for Value Plastics Line

June 6, 2014

Fort Collins, CO – June 2, 2014 - Nordson Corporation broke ground today on a new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, located on a 116 acre site in Loveland, Colorado, to meet growing demand in medical end markets for its Value Plastics brand of engineered, single-use plastic-molded fluid management components and to provide flexibility and capacity for continued long term growth.

“We continue to see outstanding global growth opportunities for innovative components, devices and custom OEM solutions related to precision fluid management and delivery of biomaterials,” said George Porter, Nordson Vice President and General Manager for medical product lines. “This new facility reflects Nordson’s ongoing commitment and investment to meeting our medical customers’ needs at the highest level. Our plans at this time call for construction of a 115,000 square foot facility with full clean room molding, assembly, packaging and inventory storage capabilities. The facility also will allow us to significantly reduce energy use and maintenance costs, and provide us with highly configurable spaces to minimize expense and disruption as business needs may change. We also expect the expansion of our business to provide many personal opportunities for our employees’ professional growth. Full operations are anticipated to commence in the first half of 2015.”

Nordson’s current Value Plastics operation is located in a leased facility in Fort Collins, Colorado and employs approximately 90 people. “Fort Collins has been a great home for us for many years, and we thank local officials who helped us examine several options to remain there,” said Porter. “However, we were unable to find an existing facility or site in the city fully suitable for our expansion needs. The nearby Loveland location allows us to stay in the same general region with access to many amenities and a highly talented workforce. We will continue to support the region through grants to local charitable organizations and our ongoing employee volunteer efforts.”

Nordson’s growing fluid management oering for medical markets includes the Value Plastics brand of single-use fluid management components, including quick connect fittings, luer fittings, check valves, tube-to-tube fittings, threaded fittings and blood pressure monitoring components, and Micromedics brand biomaterial delivery devices, including FibriJet applicators and tips and OsteoExpress bone graft delivery products.