We have met the enemy and he is us…

June 10, 2008
A few years ago the American Cancer Society used vanity to help women stop smoking. Apparently, cancer, stroke, and heart disease weren't convincing them to quit, so the ACS used vanity: it disclosed that nicotine caused capillaries to constrict. Now, that didn't matter when it came to lung disease, but it caused crow's feet, too! In other words derath wasn't as scarey as looking older. Now, last night, I saw a commercial for ED. Plenty of those around, you would say. However, this one was pushing a cholesterol lowering product. Seems that when your arteries clog (forget heart attacks and stroke), a certain organ doesn't get enough blood. Seems that men care more about sex than health. So, vanity is not the property of women...both genders seem to care more about appearances than their health. (Ask any body-builder about his steroid use and see what I measn.)  Good thing Proscar grows hair, too, otherwise we'd all have enlarged prostates!
A few years ago the American Cancer Society used vanity to help women stop smoking. Apparently, cancer, stroke, and heart disease weren't convincing them to quit, so the ACS used vanity: it disclosed that nicotine caused capillaries to constrict. Now, that didn't matter when it came to lung disease, but it caused crow's feet, too! In other words derath wasn't as scarey as looking older. Now, last night, I saw a commercial for ED. Plenty of those around, you would say. However, this one was pushing a cholesterol lowering product. Seems that when your arteries clog (forget heart attacks and stroke), a certain organ doesn't get enough blood. Seems that men care more about sex than health. So, vanity is not the property of women...both genders seem to care more about appearances than their health. (Ask any body-builder about his steroid use and see what I measn.)  Good thing Proscar grows hair, too, otherwise we'd all have enlarged prostates!

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nirprof | nirprof