Materials science “geek squad” and ToF save the day–and $100-million

April 26, 2006
The U.K.-based materials science consulting group CSMA says that it recently saved the day for an unnamed drug manufacturer, when it used Time-of-Flight spectroscopy to prove that a mysterious growth on microbial test was just an artifact. The test reportedly saved the manufacturer $100-million. Can this type of spectroscopy be used online, and is anyone applying it as a pharmaceutical PAT technique?  -AMS
The U.K.-based materials science consulting group CSMA says that it recently saved the day for an unnamed drug manufacturer, when it used Time-of-Flight spectroscopy to prove that a mysterious growth on microbial test was just an artifact. The test reportedly saved the manufacturer $100-million. Can this type of spectroscopy be used online, and is anyone applying it as a pharmaceutical PAT technique?  -AMS

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