Take that, Michael Moore - J&J to Debut Documentary Film in New York Next Week

Feb. 18, 2007
While some pundits predict that Michael Moore's Sicko will be a contender for the Palme d'Or in Cannes next May, J&J's Centocor will soon air InnerState, a documentary film following several Remicade patients (a singer and race car driver among them) who take the drug to treat Crohn's disease and other ills. The film will begin a 12-city national tour in March. Read more about it in Brandweek's recent article.   Or watch a short sample clip, accessible via the link below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhhJwlw3Y4s
While some pundits predict that Michael Moore's Sicko will be a contender for the Palme d'Or in Cannes next May, J&J's Centocor will soon air InnerState, a documentary film following several Remicade patients (a singer and race car driver among them) who take the drug to treat Crohn's disease and other ills. The film will begin a 12-city national tour in March. Read more about it in Brandweek's recent article.   Or watch a short sample clip, accessible via the link below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhhJwlw3Y4s

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