Op Ex & Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma is a combination of two popular continuous improvement methods that pave the way for operational excellence (OpEx). This section offers information about how workplace philosophies involving problem solving, teamwork, and leadership can lead to ongoing improvement.


How sustainable practices in pharma drive long-term growth

Sustainability is not merely an environmental concern but a strategic imperative that can enhance revenues, reduce costs and foster innovation

Pharma’s sustainability trifecta

Going green with a focus on planet, profit and people will enable pharma to view sustainability as an opportunity

The marathoner approach to OEE

Encouraging better site performance through attainable, progressive improvements can help teams accept best practices

Pharma’s shift towards a circular economy

To achieve true sustainability, a more holistic approach to overall drug development is needed

Dealing with Pharma's Digital Demons

To advance, pharma must confront its digital transformation fears head-on

Top 6 Misconceptions About Optimizing Pharma Facilities

How HVAC optimization can help facilities managers cut water and energy use while maintaining product quality and compliance.

From Laggard to Leader: A Formula for Lean Success

How pharma can address its lack of progress and ensure lean efforts are successful and sustainable

OEE Overview

Industry experts weigh in on the application and value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness in pharma

Mature Quality Systems: What Pharma Can Learn from Other Industries

Pharma can take inspiration from industries with mature quality systems and advanced quality capabilities

Integrated Continuous Manufacturing

Novel technologies open a new avenue for developing the future of pharmaceutical manufacturing