
Oct. 13, 2004
Pilot Bioprocess LC Systems Use Adaptive PAT Blending
TechniKrom, Inc. Evanston, Ill., has rolled out two new bench top Pilot Bioprocess LC systems for liquid chromatography (500 ml/min, and 1 L/min) with sanitary flow paths.

The new systems are intended for biopurifications using TechniKrom’s Adaptive PAT blending for extremely precise buffer make-up for isocratic, step, and linear gradient chromato-graphic elution. Adaptive PAT also allows seamless scale-up to commercial units. These Bioprocess chromatography systems are based on the same sanitary cGMP platform and patent pending technology available on TechniKrom’s commercial scale Bioprocess LC system skids. It is a true manufacturing system scaled down to meet the requirements of a pilot scale and process development laboratory, not a lab system scaled up. Every system can be customized to meet all user requirement specifications. Pre-delivery IQ/OQ in addition to onsite training and preferred service contracts, is provided.