Sierra Instruments announces the release of its Cal=Trak XL Primary Standard Gas Flow Calibrator for high flows up to 500 slpm. Ideal for the calibration of gas measuring instruments including mass flow meters and controllers, Cal=Trak XL offers class-leading accuracy of ± 0.25% of reading. The dimensionally-based primary accuracy of the Cal=Trak XL surpasses pressure-based secondary methods and is backed by a rigorous analysis.
Like all members of Sierras Cal=Trak Series, the Cal=Trak XL is a primary standard piston prover that operates with the press of a button assuring end-users the ultimate in calibration accuracy, convenience, ease-of-use and productivity. At 24 inches wide by 30 inches high by 12 inches deep, the Cal=Trak XL fits on any laboratory bench, replacing large bell provers with one simple, integrated package. It can be used in the manufacture, inspection, validation and recalibration of mass flow controllers, flow meters and other varieties of flow equipment with flow rates too high for common primary standard devices.
In either manual or automatic operation, Sierras Cal=Trak XL measures, displays and outputs the flow of gas either in mass or volumetric units. The menu-driven configuration of the Cal=Trak XL allows end-users to customize the calibrator to fit their changing needs.
The single integrated piston chamber of the Cal=Trak XL can measure flows from five to 500 slpm over a 100:1 range. Used in conjunction with other Cal=Trak models, a metrology lab can be established capable of calibrating gas flow meters over a broad range from five sccm to 500 slpm for a combined turndown ratio of 10,000:1.
Cal=Trak XL arrives complete with Sierras Cal=Soft application software. This package downloads the digital output of the calibrator into your PC, storing calibration data in a convenient spreadsheet and allowing Calibration Certificates to be generated automatically.
The Cal=Trak XL is well-suited for applications in many fields where higher flow rates are becoming common: metrology, semiconductor, analytical, medical, pharmaceutical and quality control. Sierra's Cal=Trak family of products provides primary NIST traceability, is manufactured under strict ISO 17025 certification and is CE approved.