Funny Pharm: You Write the Caption & Win: July 2013

"Funny Pharm," features drawings by award-winning cartoonist Jerry King. Submit your caption and win.

Funny Pharm: You Write the Caption

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing presents "Funny Pharm," featuring drawings by award-winning cartoonist Jerry King.

The winning cartoon caption will be featured on the website and in the eNewsletter. The winner will receive a coffee mug with the cartoon and winning caption printed on it.

Please submit your caption to [email protected] 

Thank you for your contributions!

Winning caption:

"Sir, your application looks to be highly evolved." -Randy Zeitman

Contending submissions: 

“So the premise of your patent is ‘back to basics.’  That works.  You didn’t need the club.” -James S. Elks

"What d'ya mean YOU hold the patent? You can't even find a tie that's all one color!" and "You're wrong about the sequencing. It took 3 dollars and 13 billion YEARS to complete." and "You're P Ending? Well, I'm from The Beginning." "Genetic testing hath no charms to soothe the savage beast." and "No, I'm not Doctor Harry. I'm Doctor Hairy." and "I don't need the ACLU. I use ACLUB" -Bill Russo

"…well I think we can be comfortable that we don’t need to worry about any ‘prior art’ issues." -Judy Madden

"I'm Adam's attorney. I'm issuing a Cease and Desist ..." -Michael Rembis

"My name is Prior Art." -Mike Utlee "

“Well, this is the cover page. Details are etched on a stone in my cave” -Mark Lad

"I just wanted to follow-up my application, submitted since ages..." -Syed Nusrat Amir 

 "Since this proves that we are closely related, I am barred from processing your application. Try asking the newly hired chimpanzee instead." -Aron Hochhauser